Safe Place…Just there, so I know!


  • #1 is New Zealand (in my mind)

    One of the safest places, and we were there…must agree….It’s been said that there are more sheep than people on New Zealand‘s North and South islands and, indeed, even the largest Kiwi cities seem quaint and down to earth. On the Global Peace Index (an annual report put out by the nonprofit Vision of Humanity), the country ranks No. 4 as the most peaceful, behind Iceland, Denmark and Austria. It’s also perceived as one of the least corrupt countries in the world (behind Scandinavian stalwarts Denmark, Finland and Sweden), according to the nonprofit Transparency International. Why is that important? It means tourists are less likely to be singled out by organized scams, and if you do have a problem, it will be handled in an appropriate manner.


Ron Largent:
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